Hours of Operation:

Monday to Thursday 5pm to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm

There will no longer be a Friday evening clinic 

This will NOT be a walk-in clinic, an APPOINTMENT IS REQUIRED for in person or virtual assessment.


To access the AFTER-HOURS clinic, please call 647-417-3535 and someone will assist you further. DO NOT show up to a clinic without an appointment. 

Bloom Family Practice is part of the Bedford Family Health Organization (FHO) which now consists of 12 doctors working in 3 different clinics: Bay & Charles, Bellair and Bloom - click here for more info on our FHO. The After Hours clinic rotates through the different clinic locations based on which doctor is covering the clinic, you can view the calendar below to determine which clinic is providing the After Hours service.

During regular clinic hours, please continue to call Bloom Family Practice 647-420-5033 and we will try to assist you.


Some Frequently Asked Questions:

What about Walk-In Clinics?

You are asked to access care, whenever possible, with your primary Physician or with the on-call Physician in the After Hours Clinic. When you seek care outside of our clinic or our After Hours Clinic, it disrupts the continuity of care that we like to provide. The visit also results in your Physician being charged by OHIP.

What about Virtual Care Walk-In Clinics?

As of October 1, 2021, virtual visits with physicians outside of our Family Health Organization will also result in your physician being charged by OHIP. We ask that you seek care with your own family physician or with the After Hours Clinic whenever possible.

What about when the After Hours Clinic is closed?

For patients who are registered, Tele-Health Advisory Service (THAS) provides After Hours telephone access to a nurse, who can provide advice, or direct you to appropriate care. The THAS nurse is available from 5pm to 9am Monday to Thursday, and all weekend from 5pm Friday to 9am Monday. 1.866.553.7205